Dividend Income April 2020

Dividends, dividends, dividends… In times like this with a huge uncertainty about the evolution of the coronavirus and its impact on the economy and rising unemployment rates to level never seen before, it is a save heaven. Safe? Well, not as safe as in recent history.
At the same time, there is always an opportunity to pick up some really undervalued stocks – find out which one made it this month with a Yield on Cost of 37%.

Dividend Income February 2020

February is over and it’s time to review my dividend income. It has been a very busy month for me. Dividend Growth Investing has its strong point in situations as we experience them right now in the markets. Unless dividends are being cut, the passive income will flow into your pockets no matter what the stock prices do.

During the month of February I received $792.75 in dividends from 15 different companies.

Dividend Income November 2019

Dividends, dividends, dividends – wow, another month has gone by and this one really has given me a boost. During the month of November I received $448.07 in dividends from 14 different companies. In the table below are all the details. What a fanstastic result! I couldn’d be more happy.   Compared to last years’ … Read more