Dividend Update September 2020

The September dividend income is in the books and it has been a busy month. A total of 24 companies paid me and I received $495.71 in dividends. Even though my income is just short of $500 this month, I am celebrating hitting a new record. My 3-months average dividend income has hit $500. I am over the moon.

I deployed more than $16,000 with an average dividend yield of 4.16%. My Dividend Safety Score has increased to 59.6 and my PADI stands now at $6,644.

Dividend Income April 2020

Dividends, dividends, dividends… In times like this with a huge uncertainty about the evolution of the coronavirus and its impact on the economy and rising unemployment rates to level never seen before, it is a save heaven. Safe? Well, not as safe as in recent history.
At the same time, there is always an opportunity to pick up some really undervalued stocks – find out which one made it this month with a Yield on Cost of 37%.