Dividend Income January 2022

The start of 2022 was of a mixed nature. The dividend income was right in line with my expectations. In January I received $804.38 in dividends. At the same time, I had to take some losses on the option side and it prevented me from investing in more dividend stocks. Nonetheless, six dividend raises accounted for a net PADI increase by $36 to $10,247 at the end of January. My portfolio and dividend income update in full detail here.

Dividend Income August and September 2021

The third quarter of 2021 has ended and I have not been able to update my August figures. Hence, in this post both months August and September are covered. My dividend income was $656 and $808 respectively in August and September. Surpassing the $800 mark is a new dividend income record. Speaking of records: I also hit the $9,000 Projected Annual Dividend Income (PADI) mark. Unthinkable at the beginning of the year.
I deployed about $12k in the last two months into dividend stocks and one growth stock. I added to four existing positions (HPQ, LMT, MRK, BMY) and opened two news ones (AMGN & SJM). Additionally, I bought one share of Amazon.com (AMZN) as a growth and future dividend play.
I also sold one holding of my portfolio as I already announced in the July post: EBIX.
Find out all about the details of my dividend income, dividend safety and Fastgraphs charts to the purchases.

Dividend Update September 2020

The September dividend income is in the books and it has been a busy month. A total of 24 companies paid me and I received $495.71 in dividends. Even though my income is just short of $500 this month, I am celebrating hitting a new record. My 3-months average dividend income has hit $500. I am over the moon.

I deployed more than $16,000 with an average dividend yield of 4.16%. My Dividend Safety Score has increased to 59.6 and my PADI stands now at $6,644.

Dividend Income May 2020

Another month has gone by and the dividends come rolling in. What a great feeling. Dividend income is truly passive income. That is what I love about dividend growth investing. You harvest your gains bit by bit one at a time and just reinvest. The constant flow of income combined with a little bit of tracking makes you stay on top of the game.