Dividend Income August and September 2021

The third quarter of 2021 has ended and I have not been able to update my August figures. Hence, in this post both months August and September are covered. My dividend income was $656 and $808 respectively in August and September. Surpassing the $800 mark is a new dividend income record. Speaking of records: I also hit the $9,000 Projected Annual Dividend Income (PADI) mark. Unthinkable at the beginning of the year.
I deployed about $12k in the last two months into dividend stocks and one growth stock. I added to four existing positions (HPQ, LMT, MRK, BMY) and opened two news ones (AMGN & SJM). Additionally, I bought one share of Amazon.com (AMZN) as a growth and future dividend play.
I also sold one holding of my portfolio as I already announced in the July post: EBIX.
Find out all about the details of my dividend income, dividend safety and Fastgraphs charts to the purchases.

Dividend Income May and June 2021

Time flies and I have been very busy to miss the May update. I decided to join the dividend income update for May and June in one article. June delivered a new record for dividend income. I collected $758.84 in dividends. I added one new position to my portfolio and closed another one. My PADI increased to $8.528 and is getting pretty close to my target I set for the entire year. My journey has increased the speed at which I growth my dividend income.

Dividend Update September 2020

The September dividend income is in the books and it has been a busy month. A total of 24 companies paid me and I received $495.71 in dividends. Even though my income is just short of $500 this month, I am celebrating hitting a new record. My 3-months average dividend income has hit $500. I am over the moon.

I deployed more than $16,000 with an average dividend yield of 4.16%. My Dividend Safety Score has increased to 59.6 and my PADI stands now at $6,644.