Dividend Update September 2020

The September dividend income is in the books and it has been a busy month. A total of 24 companies paid me and I received $495.71 in dividends. Even though my income is just short of $500 this month, I am celebrating hitting a new record. My 3-months average dividend income has hit $500. I am over the moon.

I deployed more than $16,000 with an average dividend yield of 4.16%. My Dividend Safety Score has increased to 59.6 and my PADI stands now at $6,644.

Dividend Income May 2020

Another month has gone by and the dividends come rolling in. What a great feeling. Dividend income is truly passive income. That is what I love about dividend growth investing. You harvest your gains bit by bit one at a time and just reinvest. The constant flow of income combined with a little bit of tracking makes you stay on top of the game.

Dividend Income April 2020

Dividends, dividends, dividends… In times like this with a huge uncertainty about the evolution of the coronavirus and its impact on the economy and rising unemployment rates to level never seen before, it is a save heaven. Safe? Well, not as safe as in recent history.
At the same time, there is always an opportunity to pick up some really undervalued stocks – find out which one made it this month with a Yield on Cost of 37%.

Dividend Income March 2020

March is over and it’s time to review my dividend income. It has been a crazy month for me. Unfortunately, my exposure with options hit me hard and I had to take significant losses to close positions. At the same time, the dividend stream is still intact, even though slightly reduced.

Dividend Portfolio Update December 2019

We completed 2019 with full steam and some significant changes. I had been investigating to switch my portfolio over to another broker. The main reason is that with my current broker I cannot buy or sell options on american stocks. Since I move more and more to US stocks this has become a limitation which I believe limits my overall return.