Options Review March 2021

It’s time to review my options results as part of my Dividend Growth Journey. My main strategy of trading options is to sell puts options on companies I have on my radar but may be above the price I am willing to pay. I achieved 9K in positive cash flow and $893 in secured income for March. I sold in total 39 options, some with a longer than usual expiration date.

Options Review January 2021

In 2020 I experienced the downside of options trading when not covered and suffered substantial losses. Ever since, I controlled my risk level better and learned a great deal on what options to trade to get the best trade-off on premium vs exposure. The recovery in the second half of 2020 was good but I am as of January 2021 still accumulating a loss of close to $17,000 out of options trading.
Find out what my current positions are and which trades I did in January 2021.